The Kiwanis Club of Denton, Texas is a community service club chartered in 1921. Our membership includes business leaders, present and past Mayors and City Council members, educators, government employees, physicians, attorneys, full- and part-time employees of all trades and professions, and active retired persons. Membership is open to men and women over the age of 18 without regard to race, sex, color or creed. Prospective members are invited into membership by being sponsored by two club members, with final approval of the Board of Directors.
New members are assessed a one-time processing fee of $75, which includes registration with Kiwanis International, all local membership materials, and the member’s first lapel pin. Monthly dues are $70 and include weekly meals for one person. Dues may be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. Additionally, all members are asked to accept admission, drawing, or other fund-raising tickets associated with our sponsored activities, either to sell to others or to buy for themselves. An annual Patron’s Fund drive also solicits voluntary pledges from members in support of the Children’s Clinic.
Faithful attendance of weekly meetings is encouraged but not required. Participation in the club’s fundraising activities is also highly encouraged. Opportunities for further involvement at the Division and District level are provided, but not required.
Alternative Membership Categories
Corporate Membership: A company or business may sponsor one or more individuals who agree to participate as active members. Should the member or members change jobs or otherwise leave the company or business, that entity can appoint a new person to participate as an active Kiwanian without losing credit for attendance, and will not have to pay a new member fee for the new person. The person leaving the company or business is then invited to join as a regular active individual member.
Associate Membership: This category of membership is open to men and women age 18-40. Recognizing that those in this age group may have many other commitments with work and family, but would like to be part of the Kiwanis Club mission, this level is offered as a way to transition into full membership. The monthly dues are currently $35 (plus the one-time new member fee of $75) and the Associate member pays for meals only when attending, with a cap of $70 per month. When the Associate member reaches the age of 40, he or she is invited to become a regular active individual member, paying the full dues amount.
Background Check
This is required because of the fact that we sometimes come in contact with children due to the nature of our club which supports the Denton Kiwanis Children’s Clinic and in the community. All new members will need to submit and pass a criminal background investigation at a cost of $6.00. This will need to be done through Safe Club Services. Once a favorable report has been received your membership will go into effect.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.
Kiwanis will be a positive influence in communities worldwide — so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive.
The Denton Noon Kiwanis Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so your donations are tax-deductible.
Become a Volunteer
Looking for a great place to spend some time with other people who are passionate about helping our community's children?
Need Our Help?
The Denton Children’s Clinic provides low-cost and no-cost medical, dental, and prescription care for local underprivileged children.